Ryan's Board
The Board of Directors of the Ryan McElroy Children’s Cancer Foundation is a group of highly dedicated and motivated community members. Their desire to help the children who are stricken with life threatening illnesses in our community is undeterred.
Board Members are typically chosen from the large number of trustees and volunteers that give so much of their time and energy in assisting Ryan’s Foundation. All Board members are volunteers.
Not one board of directors receives a salary.
Ryan's Board of Directors
Sheriff Kirk Imperati
Chairman of the Board
Tralee McElroy
Executive Director of the Board
Ersilia (Sil) Olimpio
Vice President of the Board
Jennifer Paden
Board of Directors
Gary Tully
Board of Directors
Jeremy Busolt
Board of Directors
Kevin Kehoe
Board of Directors
George Busolt
Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board
Tralee McElroy
Executive Director of the Board
Ersilia (Sil) Olimpio
Vice President of the Board
Jennifer Paden
Board of Directors
Gary Tully
Board of Directors
Jeremy Busolt
Board of Directors
Kevin Kehoe
Board of Directors
George Busolt
Board of Directors